Shipping calculator
Select destination country
Dimensional Weight
Every package needs to be measured and the dimensional weight needs to be calculated.
If the dimensional weight is higher then the actual weight then the dimensional weight will be used for the price calculation.
The formula for dimensional weight is «Length × Width × Height ÷ 166» for air packages and «÷ 300» for sea packages. For example the dimensional weight of a 14×14×14 inch "AIR" box would be 13.72 lbs.
Dimension Restrictions
Group 2 - One side cannot be longer than 39 inches (99cm), all sides cannot total more than 79 inches (200cm).
$60 insurance included for free; $5 for every additional $100 (exclude Russia and Belarus). This is total loss insurance meaning it covers packages that are completely destroyed or lost.
Pay close attention max allowed duty free and tax free value. This is the max allowed value that can be declared to one receiver without having to pay addition customs duties/taxes.
If a package is over the max allowed weight or dimensions there are still ways to ship them but the main office will need to be called.
Also if there are any questions regarding customs or anything else call us at +1 (818) 767-4552.
*packages to Russia are not delivered to the home (final delivery is done to the nearest post office).